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Tiny Spools. Big Yarns.
YarnHub has some unusual yarns! These amazing yarns are on weaving bobbins in manageable lengths for you to experiment. Some are on weaving bobbins that you can slide straight onto your weaving shuttle. Others are on vintage weaving pirns. You can play with these yarns, experimenting with knitting, crochet, weaving, tatting, lacemaking and any other textile technique.
These yarns are quite fine and you will only need a small amount for most projects. Of course, if you require larger quantities, just email me at
Many of these yarns are known as technical yarns and are created by industry for specific purposes. They include wire, latex coated wool, rubber coated stainless steel, monofilament, wool covered paper, heat-hardening yarn, Kevlar and mosquito repellent yarn.
In small quantities, the cost includes winding and a reusable bobbin that should fit most weaving shuttles.